Thursday, August 6, 2009

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Today was a special day. So much so that someone said I was "giddy." Will Grannan and I had completed our project and we had so much fun creating and modifying it. This whole week has been a whirlwind of technology and at times my stomach hurt trying to keep up with all of the many different websites and programs. But today I felt like I (with Will's and Kathleen's help) was in control and the "PROJECT" was being completed with banter and laughter. Mahalo to Will and Kathleen for making the week so great.


  1. I'm glad we teamed up for this one; I had fun as well. Look out for more instructional how-to videos in the future.

  2. giddy indeed! yes, its funny, isn't it..I go through a period of befuddlement and despair and then something clicks and - for a few moments - I feel empowered and a part of this new Websociety. you seem to be a greatexample of collabration over there. Well done!
